Dahlia Rahaimy’s Insights on Saudi Women and Empowerment

Clock Icon Apr 23, 2019
Dahlia Rahaimy discusses Saudi women’s empowerment during her interview with DW’s Dbate, with a map of Saudi Arabia symbolizing the focus on local perspectives and reforms. (Source: Pexels)

Dahlia Rahaimy shares insights on Saudi women’s empowerment in her interview with DW’s Dbate. (Source: Pexels)


In an interview with DW’s Dbate, I explored the evolving role of women in Saudi Arabia and the impact of recent reforms on their lives.

While much of the international media focuses on a narrow narrative, this discussion offers a local perspective, shedding light on the realities of Saudi women’s experiences and the progress toward greater gender equality and empowerment.

The conversation seeks to address misconceptions by providing insights into the social and cultural changes shaping the lives of women in Saudi Arabia today.

DW Dbate is a platform for video discussions and interviews, featuring eyewitness accounts on global issues.

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